Friday, May 01, 2009

What is error 0x00000050? Error 0x00000050 is an error that stops windows from working properly. It comes from the core of windows and most likely be

I started eating heaps of raw organic fruits and vegetables, and what happened? The nutrient content in that food invaded my cells and arrested all the fungus, bacteria and the loose cancer cells that were having a party in my body.

The Process for Reversing Cancer

When we sick, we feel down, tired, we have pain. This is because our body tells us: "Hey man, you've been throwing inside me so many toxins and now I can't handle it any more. Can you please do something so that I can flush out these toxins and then put in me some vitamins and minerals, like fresh fruits and vegetables you know"

How Do We Do That?

There are several things, which are cheap, safe, effective and simple things we can do to cure our body our selves WITHOUT any medicine.

  • Drink lots of water first thing in the morning
  • Eat lots and lots of raw foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc...
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Avoid any processed foods, like burgers
  • Avoid deep fried foods

There are numerous cases of people who had cancer in stage 4 and have recovered thanks to a program that involved all the above and more.

No Medical School Teaches Nutrition

Many doctors will tell you they don't want to hear about alternative medicine, I tried to talk to a few doctors about nutrition but I fell on sealed ears. Doctors earn a lot of money from the drug industry, once they will encourage people to eat well, they will be out of job. There is simply no money in being healthy, I've seen my family doctor about two years ago because I needed to do a test required by the New Zealand immigration for my residency application. (I did get it eventually)

If you want to put your hands on a program that teaches how to cure cancer the natural way, visit this website Food Matters Cancer Learning Program

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