Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cancer Cure - Flax Seed Oil - How Can Flax Seed Oil Help Cure Cancer?

The other names of flax seed oil are linseed oil and flax oil. It is a lucid to yellowish drying oil obtained from the dried ripe seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum), which belongs to the plant family Linaceae. The oil is obtained by pressing, which is followed by an optional phase of solvent extraction. The cold-pressed oil is obtained without the process solvent extraction, which is marketed as flaxseed oil. The flaxseed oil contains lignans (the substances that stimulate the immune activity) and linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) is used to make cancer cure flax seed oil. The flax seed and its oil will help with most of health ailments.

Until recently, some experts believed that the best sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs) were fish oils. However, flax seed oil contains two times more EFAs than fish-oil products. The substances such as omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 present in flax seed oil are phytoestrogens that regulate the immune system and help to maintain the hormone balance. Fundamentally, the omega-3s consists of anti-inflammatory properties; however, they are also helping prevent cancer and heart diseases. Recent scientific researches about flax seed oil revealed that there is another healing element present in the fibrous hull of the flax seed. The unique phytochemical elements have been isolated from the flax seed, which once consumed are converted to effective cancer-fighting and cancer-preventative compounds known as mammalian lignans. Comprehensive evidence from various research institutes has revealed the effective anti-carcinogenic properties showed by these surprising natural phytochemicals.

Many researches reveal that the lignans prevent the cause of breast and colon cancers where they start, by annealing the metabolism of the hormones that responsible for the disease. Besides present in flaxseeds, the lignans are also found in the high-fiber plant nutrients such as fruits, grains, legumes, and vegetables. However, the flaxseeds are the richest source of plant lignans; they contain about 100 times more than the other plant sources. Some studies show that the cancer cure flax seed oil has great anti-cancer properties and that can be used to protect cancer. Various clinical research institutions such as the National Cancer Institute are presently examining the nutritional and preventive benefits of flaxseed on human beings.

About seven years ago, a group of researchers from The University of Toronto commenced to study the prospective benefits of flax. Their results revealed that the flax seed could bring down serum cholesterol and block the growth of new carcinogenic cells. The research also revealed that the flax increased the levels of vitamin D and increased the retention of phosphate, magnesium, and calcium. You must make sure that the cancer cure flax seed oil you use does not contain artificial coloring or flavoring agents, cholesterol, sediments, soy or wheat, sugar, and yeast or dairy products.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about cancer cure flax seed oil, please visit Healthy Food for Healthy Living for current articles and discussions.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cancer Survivors Antioxidants Are Cancer Fighters in Foods

Doctors and scientists together have been looking for anti-cancer strategies and therapies on a continuous basis.

It is now known that cancer is not a localized phenomenon but a systemic disease symbolized by and reflected in the numerous imbalances both in our society and in our individual biochemistry.
Although no food or food combination has yet been clinically proven to retard or prevent cancer in people, animal and test-tube research strongly suggests that many components have specific biological actions that may prove helpful. Scientists suspect that to treat tumors, compounds would have to be extracted or synthesized and given in larger doses than those found naturally; on the other hand, extracts or synthesis might overlook protective compounds in a healthy, varied diet.

Some of the best well - known anti-carcinogenic components are allelic sulfides found in garlic and onions. They protect against carcinogens by stimulating production of a detoxification enzyme, glutathione S- transferase.

Another important group of anti carcinogenic components are the carotenoids, found in parsley, carrots, winter squash, sweet potatoes, yams, apricots, cantaloupe, spinach, kale, turnip, greens and citrus fruits.

They are antioxidants and cell differentiation agents ( cancer cells are non-differentiated)
Perhaps the most well- known anti-carcinogenic group are the catechins, found in green tea and berries. They are antioxidants, especially linked to lower rates of gastro intestinal cancer, even though mechanics are not understood yet.

The list goes on, and research in the next years will only add to it.

One can easily see that research is only proving what our ancestors knew innately:
fruits and vegetables are the healthiest choices, congruent with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body. You can wait for science to prove the benefits of all fruits and vegetables, or you can just start incorporating them more and more into your diet.

Science only offers an extra benefits to a healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables: cancer fighting properties which can only help one's cancer recovery.

Are you ready to start your natural recovery to optimal health?

Then I invite you to check out to claim your access to my Audio Quick Start(coming soon).

From Dr.Anca Martalog,N.D.-survivors' coach at